Attract what you WANT
The law of attraction is a universal law, actually a basis for the law of vibration. It is about the fact that you are worth everything, and everything you wish for you can have. The hard part is just figuring out how to do it.
We are all made up of energies, just like everything else around us. With your thoughts you can direct these energies so that what you want comes to you, or rather you create what you want through your thoughts, in other words; thoughts become things.
But it's not enough just to think about what you want, you have to feel gratitude, joy, forgive and be in harmony with your thoughts, and this is where the hard part comes in for us ordinary "Jantelags" Swedes. You need to believe and know that you are someone, and that is completely against what we are brought up with.
I also want to state that to live in the law of attraction you need to take responsibility for your life and your thoughts. It is also a great team that brings a happy life.
In days like these, it is even more important to understand the law of attraction, partly by understanding that our negative thoughts promote what is negative around us, as well as by understanding the importance of not feeling anxious. The worry causes the law of attraction to stop working, or rather the worry causes the law of attraction to bring us negative things!
You can easily learn the law of attraction by reading my manual: The Law of Attraction-Thank you! or by taking my course DU2.0
How can one live in the flow through the law of attraction?
There are good days and there are bad days. No need to panic because you're having a bad day, we all do! Instead, decide that tomorrow will be good and make the best of your bad day (or week!).
Also remember that you are constantly learning and gaining experience, and that "no evil, that does not have something good!".
Please try to forget Jante and his team, it doesn't make anyone feel good!
A summary:
- Be grateful - for EVERYTHING!
- Take it easy and don't worry.
- Feel the joy within you.
- Trust the universe/your god.
- Give and you will receive.
- Think about WHAT you are creating.
- Set goals, if only for the day.
- Love yourself.
- Sorry…
- Live your life, the way YOU want it!
You learn all this and a little more 💖both in the book and through the course!