Happy as you are?
Many times we tell ourselves that we are happy with the way we look, only to stand and sigh in the fitting room because the sleeves are too short... because we think our upper arms are too thick...
We want to live the way we do and eat the way we've always done, but deep down we don't think we're good enough the way we are...
How can you break this feeling and shape the body into the one you want?
Over time, the law of gravity takes over and increases our measurements a little here and there because the elasticity is not the same...
But we don't have to think that we can't reshape our bodies just because we've passed 40... It's a myth!
I discovered the secret, and am now sharing it >> HERE
Emotions control us 100%.
If and when we are sad or feel bad, it is felt in our entire manifestation.
So if our feelings are; that we constantly walk around and feel fat, yes... What happens then?
We ARE what we feel…
It is an illusion that has etched itself into our emotions.
So, to complete an important weight loss journey – you need to change your feelings…
As well as changing the inner self-image.
So my little secret involves a combination of the law of attraction and a weight loss journey!
A successful trip to take now that we have "home holidays"!