When the two of us become one...
Now I'm writing history... again :-)
The journey with the company DesignWerket started 15 1/2 years ago, it has been lined with a lot of blood, sweat and tears... tears of joy...
As I have loved to sit in a hotel room, or with the suppliers and create! I have created freely from my own heart, to dress you in magical clothes ❤️, while sustainability has been close to my heart.
As you probably know, 2020 turned out to be a strange year.. a year that closed factories, that caused me to get a fabric warehouse and that caused what I had done before to change.
But no evil that has no good in it!
So what does this mean? Is the store closing down?
No, neither the store nor I lie down, but we rise like the phoenix - out of the ashes with new feathers!
When I have found new factories, or collaboration partners, new collections will come... but until then, the shop will shrink in terms of clothes and interior design, while it grows with other things!
Therefore, I now choose to change the name of the shop, from DesignWerket to Walwet (pronounced vault, but a lot of double V's because I have it in my last name..)
It is the same concept, ie. clothes, decor and magical items. However, not everything will be designed by me, but carefully selected by me! You will also find more courses, tests etc. Also crystals are on G, as well as more incenses etc
What will happen next?
Right now I'm working on an online event to help spread new, positive energies in June! You will find information about this here: https://walwet.se/3dgrboost and you are most welcome to participate! Its free!