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It takes 21 days...

to create a new habit…

Now you can create happiness in life through 21 days of gratitude magic!

And that, for only ONE TEN!

Read more and register HERE

Who is Gunilla?

Born in a leather pile, trained in TEKO. That's how it all started...

After working for several fashion chains and seeing the backside of the fashion industry with a too fast spinning fashion carousel, I started the DesingWerket brand 18 years ago.

With the motto "Sustainable fashion", it is only in recent years that the concept has taken hold.

Welcome to my world!

What do you know about...

The Law of Attraction

The books

In 2019, the first handbook was published in Swedish. You can get your own copy here:

The course

On this 4-week E-course (in Swedish) you will learn how to maximize your life and get into the flow. You will be able to build clear goals, find out your values ​​and even start each morning feeling good and happy! > HERE

The clothes

Designer clothes made in Europe. With affirmations embroidered on the sleeve, to keep you in the flow! See more here:

The new age community, a platform where you will find all unique fairs and exhibitors gathered in one magical place!