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Lavendelkvarts tumlad

Lavendelkvarts tumlad

Lavender quartz is a stone of love, healing, and joy. It has a different color, more of a purple-pink color.
It contains a higher level of titanium, and it boosts your confidence and self-esteem, which helps you on the right path.

This stone is here to propel you into a cycle of growth that has no bounds. Our bad vibrations can easily be released when we allow ourselves to connect to the lavender quartz and its protective energies.

An etheric shield is naturally placed around your being as a defense mechanism to help you heal during times of difficult growth. You do not need to interrupt your own development process, as this will take away the time and energy needed for yourself.

The everyday monotony of society cannot affect us when we are inside this energy shell. Here we can begin to experience love and growth on a whole new level.

The mysteries of the spirit world naturally captivate us and are constantly changing. Lavender quartz helps link us to this otherworldly aspect that contains the past, present, and future all at once.

Our spirit guides and guardian angels roam freely in this world forever, channeling their energy to you on a subconscious level when needed. When we use a crystal, it allows us to access these other underworlds like the one mentioned above.

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, Aries and Pisces

Chakra: ALL

size: 25-45mm
Quality: good but minor scratches may occur
Origin: Madagascar, Africa< /span>

< meta charset="utf-8"> All our stones are a product of nature, they are not completely smooth or free of cracks. Size, shape, color variations, and quality may vary between the stones. Crack formations etc., belongs to and it is not something that causes the product to be faulty or gives the right to complain. They are sold as is. Our goal is to send you the best stones we have!

Regular price €5,95 EUR
Regular price Sale price €5,95 EUR
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