When the party is over...
And we slowly waddle home...
How are we, then? Are we happy and grateful, or do we feel disappointed?
How was the party? Was it memorable?
Of course, it all depends on how we felt and our attitude when we went there to have great memories on the way back.
How are things going with our shopping party? Is it over? Or does it continue?
Do we have happy memories, or do we prefer to forget them?
As usual, I have a hundred questions because I wish you to think about my questions yourself... then I will give you my answers.
I think the shopping spree is ending; we may not entirely be on our way home yet... but we will be soon.
What does it mean that the party is over? Will we never be able to shop again?
Of course, we will, but not as many different goods... but few, which we appreciate and value.
Because think about it... what are you most grateful for that you have at home? The thing you longed for, saved money for, and that cost a penny, or the item you bought cheap that was available by the hundreds in a discount store?
We are all born unique, making us who we are.
When we realize what we like and don't fall into the trap of being and looking like everyone else, our own party can begin!
Celebrate yourself today because you are you, and we all love you ❤️