A cold morning...
Sometimes you need to be by yourself...
In this hysterical age that we now find ourselves in, it can be very nice to just be... just be alone... and find yourself.
The other morning I found myself very irritated, generally frustrated and not at all happy.. somehow…
How do you find your energy again?
In my frustration, the first thought was to just pull down the curtain and go into my shell (as a shellman) and just be angry, the way I felt... I just wanted to scream and yell, but somewhere I've learned to push down the frustration so i pushed it down... and it just got worse..
In my blind despair, reason came to me and told me to go to the beach..
All said and done, I found myself one bitterly cold morning walking on the beach and finally I started talking to the universe/God... Please help me understand my anger and frustration. - Give me a sign...
Of course it was quiet... but I kept walking there along the beach and slowly but surely I came to a realization...
I am not alone!
I have no reason to be angry, sad or despairing!
Every day I have choices to choose what I want to listen to and what I want to believe.
I also have the option to choose whether I want to be angry, sad or happy, it's up to me to choose my emotions.
So after a 40-minute walk I found a dead dolphin (!) on the beach and it became my realization that I am alive and can choose how I want to feel.
I'm allowed to be sad and I'm allowed to be angry, but I don't have to be if I don't want to.
One of the greatest gifts we have been given as humans is that we can choose how we want to feel. But it's sometimes very easy to forget, just like I did…