A French Lily
Fleur-de-lis (French lily) is a symbol depicting a stylized lily or iris flower.
Originating from the French "fleur" and "lis", the word is literally translated into English as "flower of the lily" and the symbol means life, light and perfection.
The symbol has traditionally been used to represent French royalty.
Legend has it that when the Merovingian king of the Franks, Clovis, converted to Christianity, he was presented with a golden lily by an angel; to symbolize his purification.
It was also claimed that the symbol was adopted by Clovis when the water lilies helped him safely cross a river, to continue to succeed in battle.
Fleur-de-lis listens to several meanings, and is at the same time dynastic, political, emblematic, religious, symbolic and artistic, especially among French nobility.
It can also be found long before heraldic times in places as far away as Mesopotamia. Then it was used as a decorative element and so it came to be associated with royalty.
The symbol has even appeared as an emblem on tens of hundreds of seals and coins.
Having three petals has also given it religious significance and is said to be representative of the Holy Trinity and thus purity.
Read more about Fleur de Lis and other symbols in InsiktsPortalen's book "Come to insight" which you can find >> HERE
The French lily has been in our logo since the beginning, it is a symbol that has always been close to my heart.